Congrats to my mom!

Congratulations to my mother-in-law on her retirement for 37 years in early childhood development. Our family was there to support and celebrate this extraordinary event. It was held at the LA Trade Tech college child development center and It was catered by the college culinary department.(We had a salad buffet so I was still on track) She has left a long lasting impression for LATTC and her legacy will be met by no one. Everyone from her first students of 1975 to her very very very best friend L-I-J (nini is her name to our family) was there to share her accolades throughout the years. I may have lost my mom not to long ago but this mom-in-law was the perfect woman to come in to my life when I needed a void filled. I couldn't be a prouder son-in-law. Now it's time for her to get some R&R and enjoy the grand kids. I love u grandma Carrillo!

So with all of today's events, it was obviously a well deserved rest day. Ally, Cailey, and I will be back to get after it tomorrow! 31.

The whole30 is complete and with that comes the next 30 days of the Performance Nutrition Experience. Today is also the day to introduce some dairy into my diet and see how my body responds. So, I ended up drinking the remaining milk that Cailey didn't finish from dinner, I hope I won't be going to bathroom often. As for my meals, nothing has really changed much, scrambled eggs for breakfast, salad for lunch, salad for dinner. Dinner was a surprise. We went to "Pho Vina," our local vietnamese restaurant that we enjoy. I would always get pho, but today I went with the charbroiled chicken salad with some extra shrimp. D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S!

WOD: The Century Press

Run 800m

100 shoulder press 75# (strict no knee bend or hip movement)

Run 800m

My time = 20:19

Here's Canyon Crossfit's Memorial Day "Murph" wod

Last day for the whole30!! woohoo!!

Day 30 and half way through the entire PNE. I reached 30 days successfully and the whole30 has change me.

Before I go on talking about the past 30 days I would like to share with you about today. It started with my alarm going off at 5:30am!!! I hate when I forget to turn it off for a holiday, although I was able to go back to sleep. Got up at 7am and knew what lied ahead, "Murph." This crossfit workout is what everyone talks about as one of those killer "WOD's." It was a workout in honor of a fallen Navy SEAL that loved this workout and had previously called it "Body Armor" and because of his courage and honor to our great country he has now become a legend. I had also started to read the book "The Lone Survivor" it is the full account of Murphy's Navy SEAL team of six that all but one perished in Afghanistan in 2005. I'm hooked and this morning's workout made it that much more meaningful. What a coincidence my 30th day falls on Memorial Day to honor our fallen men and women of the US Armed Forces, thanks for their services.

WOD: "Murph"

1 mile run

100 pullups

200 pushups

300 air squats

1 mile run

(exercise movements can be partitioned, I did them in 10 rounds of 10-20-30)

My Time = 43:41

After the 8am workout it was time to eat. We stopped by Sprouts to do some grocery shopping for the week. We grabbed some lots of fruits and veggies, sweet potatoes, and some all natural sausage links for the post wod brunch meal. Brunch was an egg scramble with some leftover grilled onions and jalapenos from the "Taco Queen" catering company, spinach, breakfast sausages, and avocados. Shortly after we headed over to my aunts house to grub some more. There I had some grilled ribeyes on top of mixed greens with some kamote. Kamote, pronounced kah-mo-teh, is the Philippine version of sweet potato, it has the dark outer color of a yam but light yellow inner color of a sweet potato. It's delicious and is found in markets like 99 Ranch. Right after we finished a late lunch we're off to south Orange County to our friends place for another barbecue. Sliders and korean short ribs were on the menu. I ate the meat over a bed of romaine lettuce, hold the cheese and dressings. I know the "galbi" is not the cleanest of paleo, but I had one short rib. For dessert, some good old fresh fruit, strawberries, melons, and pineapple, as everyone else went to town on some homemade chocolate cheescake that I did wish I had. I stayed strong and kept the course. But I was still hungry when I got home. So I heated up some of that amazzing leftover carne asada and al pastor. Threw it on some mixed greens and doused it with some salsa rojo, the spicy stuff! DING DING DING! Hot but really good and it hit the spot. I ended the meal wit a handful of cherries. Now that I think of it every thing was so tasty and thats why I felt like the 30 days was smooth. If anyone reading this is on the fence, give it try and go for it 100%. It'll be worth it.

I'm a believer in you are what you eat. I could not have succeeded without the full support of my wife, daughter, that so happened to turn 1 year old during the experience, and the canyon crossfit community. I overcame the challenges of cravings and decision making. The mind is powerful, it gave me more strength than any barbell, kettle bell, pushup, or pullup can ever give. My fitness would not have seen the gains and PR's if it wasn't for whole30 being a part of me and my daily life. I am not done by any means, all this has done is show me what I am capable of and the benefits of whole natural food. I've come to understand what my health and fitness means in this short journey and how I can better live life moving forward. Everyone jump on this bandwagon, there will always be space, you are worth it and if you fall, get right back up.

Go Cailey, it's your birthday...Partay!

Day 29 and what a great birthday party this turned out to be. We were able to enjoy good company and some amazing food. We had "Taco Queen" cater the party. This was some authentic Mexican grub. Was it paleo friendly? not quite, but I did my best. How was it cooked? On a flat top grill with some pure "manteca", that's pork fat for those that don't know. Not just your normal lard. We're talking about leftover grease after she already cooked her chicharones (pig intestines). Since animal fat was paleo approved, this was a win. I held off on the tortillas and threw all the meat over some mixed greens. Topped it off with some grilled onions, very spicy jalapenos, and some hot green and red salsa. This was just perfect, I didn't even miss the tortillas. It was so savory I had a second plate.

Dessert?! None for me. No cupcakes. No churros. No candy. Quite an accomplishment and everyone there was my witness. I barely had anytime to eat much anyway. As the father of the celebrant, I had to make sure to make my rounds to everyone. After the party ended some family came by the home to open gifts. Cailey is sure to have a good summer wardrobe and endless toys to play with. Thank you everyone.

Tomorrow ends my journey with the whole30, but the PNE continues. It'll start off a great workout, Murph. So today's rest day is sure to bring out tons of energy to get after it tomorrow. Good night everyone and have a healthy and safe Memorial Day.

દિવસ વીસ આઠ Divasa vīsa āṭha

Day 28 and it's the Saturday of memorial weekend. Look what I got in the new Rx jump rope! I'm ready to get to the next level of double unders. The daughter was up early so I was able to catch the 8am class with her. Everyone is always asking what we do with Cailey because she's so good sitting in her stroller while we workout. To be honest, all the credit goes to my wife and I'm just lucky. Cailey is used to hanging out in her stroller when mommy would take her to "stroller strides." Its a bunch of moms and their kids, of different ages, at a park working out with a trainer. So again I'm just benefiting from it all.

Tomorrow is sure to bring an interesting blog. Family, friends, birthday party, Mexican food, and cupcakes....stay tuned.


Had a great breakfast scramble with peppers, onions, jalapeños, and BACON! For lunch was some rotisserie chicken on green leaf lettuce with some guacamole and fire roasted salsa. Dinner...another turkey burger protein style.

WOD: 7 minute clinics

Part A - 7 min AMRAP
13 - 155# burpee deadlift
26 - 24" box jumps
My results = 2 rounds + 6 reps

Part B - 7 min AMRAP
26 - 20# wall balls
26 - 53# kettle bell swings
My results = 2 rounds + 7 reps

Part C - 7 min AMRAP
26 - double unders
26 - walking lunges
250m run
My results = 3 rounds

सात बीस दिन Sāta bīsa dina

Day 27 and it was brilliant. It's Friday and Memorial day weekend begins. OH, it's also Cailey's 1st Birthday party this coming Sunday. It's going to be a great weekend to see family and friends.

Meals: omelette for breakfast. plain grilled chicken over lettuce for lunch and what you see above was the feast for dinner! Double turkey burger protein style with BACON!!!!


(Find your 3RM, look at our chart and see what correlates to your 1RM. 50% of your 1RM will be your suggested 20 reps)

My reps = 245# 3-rep max, 135# for 20 reps (I should of racked more weight but I used the table that suggested 135#)

Big props to Bruce at Canyon Crossfit for getting his first muscle up! Hell ya buddy! But I can't ignore one of my accomplishments. I nailed 2 unbroken muscle ups, yup that's right I did not let go of the rings. Thanks for the push PJ... you pigeon! BTW, I'm glad you ended your story with you kicking that boys ass.

Gün yirmi altı

Day 26 in Turkish. Today is my official rest day. No workout scheduled but watch for me because I'll be taking pictures/video of tonight's class. My meals were all leftovers so nothing new or special today. I'm just keeping a straight line and chugging along. Eye on the prize!

Great Job 6:00pm class you guys killed the wod!

douăzeci şi cinci zile

Day 25 on the whole 30 program and today my body is sore from the past two workouts. My shoulders definitely took a good beating. So I made me a hearty breakfast omelette as I normally do.

FRUIT!!!! I love fruit but I think I eat too much of it. I usually have more than a handful after lunch and dinner. On top of that, I snack on fruits like bananas and watermelon. After hopping onto the whole9 Forum, I realized my consumption may be a tad high. So I'll limit the smoothie intake during the week and skip some of the fruit snacking throughout the day. One thing I am doing well on is not substituting the fruit for my veggies. I eat a fair amount of vegetables but the body can always use more.

Dinner was pretty darn good or shall I say bomb! Wife made a surprise topper, mango+avocado salsa to go with the baked hake (pronounced 'heyk) fillets, lightly seasoned.

Canyon Crossfit Pictures are up from May 12, Heather's birthday wod.

WOD: What O2?...No O2

6 Rounds for time

Run 400 Meters
50 Double Unders unbroken
(3 Burpee penalty for every time you break up the double unders)

My Time = 21:28 (my Achilles are sore as heck and btw a new PR for unbroken DU's at 47!!! That deserves a new rope)

Penalties = 1 per round, 18 burpees total

ngày 24.... supercharged

For some reason I feel supercharged today. Day 24.

I may still be thinking about my accomplishments for finishing yesterday's workout rx'd and not having a single bite of my daughter birthday dessert. Maybe that's why I feel good or maybe it's the by product of this Performance Nutrition Experience. That sounds better. Ok Canyon peeps, I promise to put up a set of new pictures this week, so look out for them.

Meals: Breakfast was my normal scrambled eggs with onions, peppers, salsa and avocados. Lunch was some leftover chipotle mango bbq chicken with broccoli. Dinner will be some more of that oven braised Mexican beef. I threw some fruits and nuts between the meals.


5 rounds for time
12 155# Deadlifts
9 155# Hang power clean
6 155# Push jerk

My Time = 18:19 rx (Real intense, real tough)


Happy 1st birthday to my little girl today. I'm the luckiest, happiest, and most blessed man on this planet to have a daughter like her. I'm very thankful she's a healthy and beautiful young girl and I'm working my tail off to make sure I see her grow up. We had a great day planned for some beach time in sunny so-cal and some good food at the Beachcomber. Everything turned out to be fun and our family time was priceless.

Day 23 on this PNE and I'm on overdrive for the whole 30.


More of that oven braised mexican beef for lunch and then a good protein style kobe burger with BACON for dinner from the restaurant.

WOD: Technical couplet

5 rounds for time
15 Overhead Squats 95#
15 Ring Dips

My Time = 21:36 I feared this workout when I read it. I was intimidated the moment I racked the weights. In my head I told myself it's ok if I decrease weight during the middle of the workout, but I didn't. I broke through the wall and stuck to it, forcing myself to fight for all 75 reps. Not too shabby after only 2.5 months ago my 3 rep max for overhead squats was 115#. In the end I was victorious! Rx baby!!!!

ven jou Sunday!

Today started off with some excitement, although I did wake up at 5:30am on a Sunday. My friends and I went to "Ride before the Pros" event in LA Live. It was a free event for cyclists to ride the actual 5-mile loop as many times as you want for 1.5 hours for the Amgen Tour of California. After riding, we hung around at the finish line to watch the pros finish 6 laps for the 8th and final stage. Sagan won the stage but Gesink was the overall winner. Here's the very quick final sprint at the finish line!

And then here we are giving our best impression.

We quickly booked it to beat the crowd and went to grab some lunch at Yardhouse. This was a mental battle for me because I love the beers they have, but I fought it and didn't have anything to drink. I kept the eye on the prize so I ordered the grilled mahi mahi with steamed veggies and grilled bok choy. I ended up eating the mango salsa but refrained from the creamy and green ones. That's another win for me!

Meal prep day once again for the week. On the menu.... Guy Fiery's chipotle mango bbq chicken (referral from my wife's friend). Oh My GOODNESS!!! This is some amazing chicken right here. The non-paleo ingredient was canola oil, so we substituted it with some olive oil. BOOM! Paleo and whole 30 approved. I know there's a lot of prep but it's all worth it. Since we were told it was a good recipe we made a double batch and we quickly found out it was barely enough for the two of us. Be aware that there is a little kick from the chipotle peppers but the sweetness from the mangos made a perfect match. So if anyone is looking for I mean GREAT recipe, click the link above. Oh ya we topped it off with some broccoli for some greens. YUM YUM YUM!

I wish everyone a good start to the week and stay tuned for what this week brings.

ditë një e njëzet

3 weeks, 21 days, 504 hours, 30,240 minutes...of high quality nutrition and fitness.

Today was a rest day from working out. To be honest, it was also because I slept really late and couldn't get the body to make it to an 8am session. Instead we had a family day. Took the wifey and baby to get some stuff... Lululemon to be exact. I had now opened pandoras box! What have I done? And then we find out our baby girl is the next shoe size up from a month ago, NEW SHOES for her. So this daddy got hit in the wallet pretty hard.

We met up with some good friends of ours for lunch at "Pacific Whey Cafe." This place was good. It's a better corner bakery. I ordered a Cobb salad with grilled chicken, hold the dressing and bleu cheese. I added some olive oil and a side of fresh fruit. My meal was a winner.

Hope everyone's having a good weekend so far!

Egun hogei

20 days and counting, two-thirds of the way into the whole 30.

As you can see above we have our daughter starting early! Training for the Crossfit games 2035!

The title I used today is Basque. It's an ancestral language from the a region of the western Pyrenees, located between Spain and France. It just sounded cool to me.

I thought I was going to get up this morning feeling really sore from yesterday's workout but to my surprise, once again, I am not. Chalk another one up for this whole30/PNE program. I was so amazed when I calculated the total reps I completed last night, 55 handstand pushups, 103 pistols, and 150 pullups. MY GOODNESS! When I look at it like that I would have never thought my body is capable. I couldn't do more than 7 total HSPU's in previous workouts even with abmats, now I'm able to complete an entire workout. Ahh pistols I gotcha in my grasp and I won't let go, RX'd! 150 PULLUPS.... aotriuwaeftuav;sf!!!jdsf;lja!!!! You've got to be kidding me! It actually felt very very efficient and my shoulders haven't fallen off! I must now get stronger and faster. I want to keep up with the top dogs at our box. I will find a way to turn it up a notch.


Same old breakfast of eggs and stuff, coffee, smoothie (which I will discontinue), leftover carne asada and veggies for lunch, berries, nuts, and chicken and yams for dinner. Is this all still clean? You betcha!


Part 1
30 Clean and Jerks for time 135# / 95#

My Times = 4:44

สิบเก้าวัน ... coconut oil: good, bad or just a tad?

Day 19...WOW!

Today started off a little different, so let me make up for my almost-no-post last night. I got up before my alarm went off and I was still late leaving for work. Instead of listening to sports talk radio, because the Lakers lost (dangit!), I popped in my favorite band's CD; Incubus, Light Grenades album. For some reason it just got me pumped for the day.

If any of you had read my bio or know me, I'm a full fledge science geek. So at work I decided to tackle the question Alisha posted earlier this week. It was about coconut oil and it's saturated fat content related to cardiovascular health. Oh man did I learn a lot in one morning. Three peer-reviewed articles, one was animal related and two were human studies. Caveat: These human studies were done in tropical regions, Malaysia and Philippines. It's beneficial for me because the pacific islands are my ethnic background. But don't think this information won't help, a lot of medicine today is based on a knowledge gained from different parts of the world. (References can be found on the reference link at the end of this post)

First, let me share with you what I learned. Raw virgin coconut oil is most beneficial. It should not be consumed frequently and should be moderate in ones diet. When coupled with exercise and activity, it's benefits are more prevalent in the studies. Benefits were based on decrease in waist circumference (visceral fat) and fat-free mass (muscle, as we call it). The reason why? Coconut oil consist of 85% medium chain fatty acid (MCFA) where canola oil is majority long chain fatty acids(LCFA). What's the difference? LCFA is absorbed by the intestines, transferred to the liver, processed by the cholesterol cycle, and stored in adipose tissue (FAT!). MCFA is rapidly abosorbed by the intenstines, and since it's smaller than LCFA it doesn't need to break down through the cholesterol cycle, so there's no transfer to the liver. It's carried by your portal vein and is directly used for energy in the body. Coconut oil contains a high amount of lauric acid. This molecule aids in your vascular network. It increases your HDL (good cholesterol), decreases your LDL(bad cholesterol), but keeps your triglycerides (T) stable. When your ratio of HDL to triglycerides is higher than the ratio of LDL to (T), then that decreases your risk for atherosclerosis, the junk that gets stuck in your arteries and veins. Overall, you've decreased your risk for disease by eating this highly saturated fat material. But it doesn't mean to go crazy over it and eat it like candy.

What do I conclude? I feel it's safe to consume and does provide many benefits and even more so with exercise. So will I eat it daily? Probably not. I can't always take the taste of coconut so thats my bias and it should still be eaten moderately. Too much of anything can't be good, unless it's crossfit. :)

Speaking of crossfit... I decided to hop on the games websites. They posted a video of Rich Froning's daily life. This guy is unreal. He rarely eats and trains all day everday. Seems to be as genuine and normal as anyone else on the street. This just fueled me even more and I wish I could train as often and just as much but I have other responsibilites and I'm perfectly happy with my life. I don't need to be the fittest on earth, I just need to be the fittest for me and my family. So that's my approach.

Meals: Today I'll be going out for lunch with my coworkers for my boss' birthday at PF Changs. Chinese food is damn good, but PNE is keeping me mentally strong. So I've prepared by checking out the menu online and will choose to eat the grilled salmon and asparagus, win-win!

WOD: "Mary"

Total rounds in 20 minutes (Anything this long turns out to be sucky)

5 handstand pushups
(I really have to work on this, started with 1 mat and then switched to 2 mats on the seventh round)

10 1-legged squats (ahh Pistols, you are mine to conquer!....gotcha!)

15 pullups (with my eyes closed.... from being in pain from the other movements)

Rounds = 10 rounds + 8 reps (I always want more)

18 diwrnod

Rest day. The legs are shot. Sorry today's post is short but I'm just beat tired. At least I haven't strayed away from eating right. Tonight's dinner was carne asana with grilled onions and peppers and a dollop of guacamole. Time to get some recovery and get after it tomorrow. Take care all.

seacht lá

Today is Day 17 and it was a BUSY DAY! I was off-site for work today and it threw off my daily meal routine. I didn't have a lunch packed since I knew I wasn't going to be in the office but I did pack my regular fruits and smoothie. All did go well off-site and we got lucky enough to return after lunch. Speaking of lunch... eating out, big challenge. I remember seeing a post from Josh B. on instagram how it's possible to do paleo when out and about at Chipotle. So I suggested it and to my surprise my boss agreed.

Lunch was a salad bowl with chicken and barbacoa as the protein. No beans, rice, cheese or corn. I did include, fajita veggies, pico de gallo, other salsa, guacamole, and more lettuce to top it off. I did notice on almost most my meals I have either guacamole or fresh avocados. I guess it's not a bad thing and thank goodness it taste so damn good.

Controversy: Alisha had posted something on facebook about coconut oil, it's saturated fat content, and itsrelation to cardiac health. It's been shown scientifically that saturated fat is detrimental to cardiac health, but not specifically the heart muscle itself but to the cardiovasular system. Veins and arteries, that compromise the cardiac network, tend to get clogged by saturated fat and it is a large concern for the American population. But is it a general saturated fat statement? is there a difference in animal or plant derived? Could this be the reason grassfed meat is better than grainfed? Are plant derived anything better than animal? I now have to find this out, it's a great question and I, like Alisha, am concerned with my cardiac health. So I'll use coconut oil sparingly for now until I can be confident that its benefits outweigh its risk.

WOD: Lung buster

6 rounds

Run 400m

25 burpees (6" reach)

My Time = 26:43 (Needed mental toughness towards the end for this one)

dag seksten

Day 2 of week 3 (Day 16) and more than half way through the whole 30.

I forgot to mention something in my last post because I was so flippin tired last night. My mother-in-law makes this special cake. It was a recipe she took from her mother I believe. I would eat more than enough of that cake every chance I got and yesterday I was put to a test. I fought tooth and nail to not eat a single piece of that yummy cake. While my wife, mother-in-law, and sister-in-law started working on decorations for my daughter's upcoming first birthday, I was automatically put on baby watch duties. So as Cailey ran around the house in circles chasing after her cousins and the dogs, we would pass by the cake on the dining table. It was YELLING my name the countless times I passed by. But, my will power struck never let it get the best of me. At the end of the day I was victorious, like PR'ing on a power clean, that's how good it felt!



  • Breakfast - Scrambled eggs with rotsserie chicken pieces, onions, spinach, and avocados (some tapatio of course)
  • Snack - Spinach smoothie, banana, raw almonds, pistachos

  • Lunch - Grilled chicken and steamed snap peas.

  • Snack - Fresh straw berries, blueberries, raspberries, watermelon

  • Dinner - Grilled Chicken, spinach salad with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and guacamole

WOD: QuadCore-ripper (This workout was insane. I didn't expect it to be as hard as it was, it felt like a carrot was dangling in front of me the whole time and i couldn't grab for the life of me. when would the suffering end?)

100ft Walking Lunges

Thrusters 95/65


My Time = 23:36 (I survived!!!)

BTW, here's a pic of my lil one. We tried to trick her by giving her a piece of an unripened mango since it was really sour, but she seemed to like it. Joke's on us!




Happy Mother's Day

I want to acknowledge all the mother's out there on this special day. Each and everyone of you deserve more than one special day for all that you do. My wife, Ally, has become a great mother. She is setting a loving foundation for our family to grow. Cailey and I are two lucky people to have her in our lives.

Today's meals were adjusted for my PNE lifestyle. We woke up bright and early, 7am, and grilled roughly 20lbs of chicken. We wanted to make sure we had enough food for us and our family for a couple days. This helped since we didn't have our normal prep day Sunday. In addition to the chicken we had grilled peppers, onions, and snap peas.

Happy Mother's Day to Ally, Mama, and Grandma! Good Night all and I hope everyone has a great week ahead.

14 ημέρες

Two weeks in and I woke up this morning surprised I'm not as sore as I thought I'd be from Friday's workout so I'm ready to tackle the Saturday WOD. Shout out goes to Heather Francine for turning 41 today and giving the class a challenging birthday workout. Also, props to those that decided to do 2 rounds, you're all crazy but motivated! Anyway, PNE for the win, hope everyone's having a good weekend.

Meals for today were spontaneous-

Breakfast: Banana before the workout

Lunch: Rotisserie chicken "cups"(baby romaine lettuce leafs) with fire roasted salsa and guacamole.This meal was too darn good. I had to stop myself from eating more and saving some for the wifey.

Dinner: Breakfast for dinner, chicken/apple sausage + scrambled eggs with onions, anaheim peppers, and jalapenos (I like spicy food). Strawberries for dessert.

Heather's Birthday WOD:

41 Double Unders

5 Bear complex

12 burpees

Run 400m

41 Sit ups

5 ball slams x 10 rounds (50 total, but had to keep today's theme)

12 pull ups

Run 400m

41 Box Jumps

5 laps of walking lunges (up and back is one)

12 Tire flips

Run 400m

My Time 23:46, Ally's Time = 25:26 (She's improving each workout!)


tredici giorni


Oh ya, the regionals are today and live streaming is available online. This is great stuff and these athletes are pushing themselves to the limits. I think one thing that may cross every crossfitters mind when watching this is, "Can I do that? If so, how do I stack up?" For me, it's all about trying to get it done with maximum intensity. (read past the wod)

Breakfast: YUM! Chicken/Apple sausage scramble with onions and spinach cooked in olive oil.

WOD: Leg Destroyer

3 rounds of

30 Wall Balls (2 for 1)

15 Power Cleans 155#

My time = 18:58
This workout was freaking brutal. Wall balls are my nemesis. This time it chewed me up and spit me out. I tried to push but I just couldn't breathe. I am determined to get better at wall balls! Time to rest and recover.