Today is Day 17 and it was a BUSY DAY! I was off-site for work today and it threw off my daily meal routine. I didn't have a lunch packed since I knew I wasn't going to be in the office but I did pack my regular fruits and smoothie. All did go well off-site and we got lucky enough to return after lunch. Speaking of lunch... eating out, big challenge. I remember seeing a post from Josh B. on instagram how it's possible to do paleo when out and about at Chipotle. So I suggested it and to my surprise my boss agreed.
Lunch was a salad bowl with chicken and barbacoa as the protein. No beans, rice, cheese or corn. I did include, fajita veggies, pico de gallo, other salsa, guacamole, and more lettuce to top it off. I did notice on almost most my meals I have either guacamole or fresh avocados. I guess it's not a bad thing and thank goodness it taste so damn good.
Controversy: Alisha had posted something on facebook about coconut oil, it's saturated fat content, and itsrelation to cardiac health. It's been shown scientifically that saturated fat is detrimental to cardiac health, but not specifically the heart muscle itself but to the cardiovasular system. Veins and arteries, that compromise the cardiac network, tend to get clogged by saturated fat and it is a large concern for the American population. But is it a general saturated fat statement? is there a difference in animal or plant derived? Could this be the reason grassfed meat is better than grainfed? Are plant derived anything better than animal? I now have to find this out, it's a great question and I, like Alisha, am concerned with my cardiac health. So I'll use coconut oil sparingly for now until I can be confident that its benefits outweigh its risk.
WOD: Lung buster
6 rounds
Run 400m
25 burpees (6" reach)
My Time = 26:43 (Needed mental toughness towards the end for this one)