
The whole30 is complete and with that comes the next 30 days of the Performance Nutrition Experience. Today is also the day to introduce some dairy into my diet and see how my body responds. So, I ended up drinking the remaining milk that Cailey didn't finish from dinner, I hope I won't be going to bathroom often. As for my meals, nothing has really changed much, scrambled eggs for breakfast, salad for lunch, salad for dinner. Dinner was a surprise. We went to "Pho Vina," our local vietnamese restaurant that we enjoy. I would always get pho, but today I went with the charbroiled chicken salad with some extra shrimp. D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S!

WOD: The Century Press

Run 800m

100 shoulder press 75# (strict no knee bend or hip movement)

Run 800m

My time = 20:19

Here's Canyon Crossfit's Memorial Day "Murph" wod