20 days and counting, two-thirds of the way into the whole 30.
As you can see above we have our daughter starting early! Training for the Crossfit games 2035!
The title I used today is Basque. It's an ancestral language from the a region of the western Pyrenees, located between Spain and France. It just sounded cool to me.
I thought I was going to get up this morning feeling really sore from yesterday's workout but to my surprise, once again, I am not. Chalk another one up for this whole30/PNE program. I was so amazed when I calculated the total reps I completed last night, 55 handstand pushups, 103 pistols, and 150 pullups. MY GOODNESS! When I look at it like that I would have never thought my body is capable. I couldn't do more than 7 total HSPU's in previous workouts even with abmats, now I'm able to complete an entire workout. Ahh pistols I gotcha in my grasp and I won't let go, RX'd! 150 PULLUPS.... aotriuwaeftuav;sf!!!jdsf;lja!!!! You've got to be kidding me! It actually felt very very efficient and my shoulders haven't fallen off! I must now get stronger and faster. I want to keep up with the top dogs at our box. I will find a way to turn it up a notch.
Same old breakfast of eggs and stuff, coffee, smoothie (which I will discontinue), leftover carne asada and veggies for lunch, berries, nuts, and chicken and yams for dinner. Is this all still clean? You betcha!
Part 1
30 Clean and Jerks for time 135# / 95#
My Times = 4:44