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Oh ya, the regionals are today and live streaming is available online. This is great stuff and these athletes are pushing themselves to the limits. I think one thing that may cross every crossfitters mind when watching this is, "Can I do that? If so, how do I stack up?" For me, it's all about trying to get it done with maximum intensity. (read past the wod)

Breakfast: YUM! Chicken/Apple sausage scramble with onions and spinach cooked in olive oil.

WOD: Leg Destroyer

3 rounds of

30 Wall Balls (2 for 1)

15 Power Cleans 155#

My time = 18:58
This workout was freaking brutal. Wall balls are my nemesis. This time it chewed me up and spit me out. I tried to push but I just couldn't breathe. I am determined to get better at wall balls! Time to rest and recover.