Happy 1st birthday to my little girl today. I'm the luckiest, happiest, and most blessed man on this planet to have a daughter like her. I'm very thankful she's a healthy and beautiful young girl and I'm working my tail off to make sure I see her grow up. We had a great day planned for some beach time in sunny so-cal and some good food at the Beachcomber. Everything turned out to be fun and our family time was priceless.
Day 23 on this PNE and I'm on overdrive for the whole 30.
More of that oven braised mexican beef for lunch and then a good protein style kobe burger with BACON for dinner from the restaurant.
WOD: Technical couplet
5 rounds for time
15 Overhead Squats 95#
15 Ring Dips
My Time = 21:36 I feared this workout when I read it. I was intimidated the moment I racked the weights. In my head I told myself it's ok if I decrease weight during the middle of the workout, but I didn't. I broke through the wall and stuck to it, forcing myself to fight for all 75 reps. Not too shabby after only 2.5 months ago my 3 rep max for overhead squats was 115#. In the end I was victorious! Rx baby!!!!