All great things don't have to come to an end.

What I am about to share with you is immeasurable. Ok not really, but that is truly how I feel because the last 60 days have taken me further in my health and fitness than ever before. Today I complete the Performance Nutrition Experience (PNE) that was hosted by my affiliate crossfit gym, Canyon Crossfit. I can confidently say I'm healthier than I have ever been in life. I learned so much about nutrition, fitness, and more importantly myself.

Everyone is always asking about weight loss, so let me get that out of the way quickly. Since it's not the only indicator of health, I never really saw it as priority but here's how it broke down. Before I started the PNE I had already made some decent progress for the 6 months of doing crossfit, I lost 25 lbs. I began the PNE on April 27th, 2012 and I weighed 172.5 pounds. Today, as of June 27, 2012, I weigh 167 pounds. I lost a total of 5.5 pounds in 60 days, who cares. What I do care about is my body composition, the internals. If you recall a few posts back, I had my blood work done and I was dumbfounded by the results. My levels of total cholesterol and LDL (the bad stuff) was undetectable by the sensitivity levels of the machine. blood composition was pretty darn immaculate and everything else was well beyond optimal ranges such as HDL (good stuff), glucose, and triglycerides. Don't forget about the infamous body fat percentage. Back when I started crossfit in October 2011 I was probably well above 23% body fat. In the beginning of the PNE I successfully dropped down to 16% based on caliper measurements and today I'm about 14.2%. I haven't reached my goal of 12% but I knew that wasn't going to happen in 60 days. Patience is key to all things, including health.

Back when the PNE was first introduced, I was very skeptical. Why? Because I loved science and studied science, biology to be exact. So I figured I had a leg up on the understandings of nutrition and how the body works. That was not the case, I was humbled by my own ignorance and denial. I loved pizza, burgers, fries, and beer. I loved candy, chips, and soda. So if I ate this all in moderation, although it was more like often and too much, then I can justify that by doing a long bike ride, run, and some weight lifting. Worse of all, I would eat less during the week to make up for what I over consumed on the weekends and then rinse and repeat this process. I was hurting myself in the worse possible ways. Without getting into too much details, or this would become a scientific article, I was confusing my brain and putting my body system out of sync. The nutrition education I received in college became void, this PNE went against everything I ever learned.

Throughout the 60 days I gave up all forms of processed sugars and processed foods. I gave up grains and the typical simple carbohydrates, like rice and pasta. I avoided legumes and dairy. I supplemented with high quality fish oil. I ate all kinds of meat, including bacon. I squandered boatloads of fat from avocados. I introduced coconut oil to our cooking and consumed pounds of sweet potatoes. I devoured a plethora of vegetables and introduced some new ones like eggplant and spaghetti squash. I always had berries and other fruits throughout the day. I ate a lot and often never counting calories just being aware of ingredients. I can't pinpoint when but at one point in the 60 days the magic hit. I absolutely felt awesome, on a freaking daily basis!

I became energetic throughout the days. I slept as good as my 1 year old daughter. I was making good decisions outside of my comfort zone. Like what you ask? Like I said before I love beer and I was able to avoid it for at least the first 30 days into the experience, especially when going to Yardhouse. I wasn't 100% perfect in my nutrition but that's not expected of anyone. So Yes, I had some Mexican candy, fries, churros, bites of cake, and beer. But I never consumed them in amounts I once did. I never wanted more than the sample bites I took and I wasn't beating myself over the head with those decisions. Fitness wise, I was getting stronger and faster. My workouts weren't killing me as much as I was killing it, or so I'd like to believe. I hit multiple personal records and I made myself have rest days for my body to recover and that took a lot of discipline.

The point is, I change my life in ways I didn't think possible. I want to keep rambling more and talk about some details but that can only bore a reader. First and foremost none of this would have ever been possible without the support of my loving wife and daughter. My wife was there to put me in my place and make sure I succeeded. My daughter was there to brighten my days and even scream at me during the workouts. Also, the community at Canyon Crossfit, you all are amazing, cheering me on when I'm dying during a workout and can't breathe. Of course I can't forget about everyone sharing their impressive recipes and meals. If you want change your relationship with food and hop on this whole&natural healthy bandwagon, then come on, there's plenty of space, no judgements made here. I was able to get my brother and brother-in-law to give it a shot. You can start here with the whole30 and then for better detailed information grab this book "It Starts with Food."

My final PNE workout will be the PNE WOD. It's a good overall crossfit assessment and when I did it in the beginning, my time was 15:10. Let's see how it pans out today.

PNE WOD for time:

Run 400m

1 round of "Cindy" (5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 Air squats)

21 Deadlifts, 155#

Run 400m

1 - Cindy

15 Front squats, 155#

Run 400m

1 - Cindy

9 Clean & Jerks

MY TIME = 12:32 (today I smashed it!)

Here's what I had for lunch today

Finally, the reveal. It's quite embarassing, but here's my before and after shot of the PNE.

and then here's the progress shot from when I started Crossfit.



This "Paleo" thing works....but I don't like that word.

Paleo or Paleolithic diet has exploded upon the CrossFit scene. It's all crossfitters talk about when it comes to diet and fitness. It works quite well for me and I'll keep saying it until something changes. I've had more energy, amazing fitness performance, and my goodness...satiety. OK yes I'm human and I'll want to have some pizza, especially if it's from Porky's, but I feel the majority of what I eat is making me feel...well normal. I don't have aches and pains, unless it's from a crazy workout, don't get food coma, and don't have mid afternoon lulls where I just wanna curl up and sleep. I do my absolute best to avoid grains, added sugar, legumes, processed food and dairy. I eat when I'm hungry and until I'm full. I don't have to count calories, I just read ingredients. I limit the amount of process foods(ie. boxed food) and eating at restaurants isn't as hard as I once believed although it is on the pricier end. I won't even get into the details, but the Paleo recipes we've made are very very very DELICIOUS. So when people ask me, "are you on a diet?" My answer should be "YES, but it's not just a diet to lose weight." I'm really trying to make it a part of me because again it flat out works. Sure there's restrictions. but that's for everything and if there wasn't, then you or I would be another stat of America's obese. I'd rather pay now for whole and natural food than get bankrupt on medical expenses because I didn't take care myself. Trust me, chemotherapy and medicine is far more expensive than the quality of food you can buy.

So here's 10 reasons why I agree with this style of eating.

So why don't I like that word Paleo? Because the smart marketers will take it and run away with something so clever to make dollars and deepen their pockets. Quite simply: Paleolithic = old ways vs. Neolithic = New ways. Paleo = caveman vs. Neo = modern man. Therefore I'm a modern man trying to hone in on old ways by eating whole natural foods. This diet should now be considered Whole & Natural eating. No need for latin words, just plain english. Get it? Got it? Done.

Meals: Breakfast omelet, the amazing salmon meal from last night, and a taco-flavored chicken salad for tonight. Throw some fruit and nuts in between. Also started on some new fish oil.

Got home and a special something was waiting for me. New kicks baby, just in time for today's workout.

WOD: nine-oh!

Complete 5 Sets
90 seconds of:
5 Split Jerks
90 second of:
Max Double Unders

My results = 155(5), 155(5), 165(5), 165(5), 175(5) and 335 total double unders

So here's some websites I like reading and pulling information, aside from the dry science-y stuff.

Whole9Life - where it all started

Fitbomb - Normal guy, living a normal life.

Nom Nom Paleo - Fitbomb's wife who cooks amazing food

Paleomg - makes good paleo treats

Robb Wolf - a paleo nerd I like reading. why? because my background relates to his.


Go Cailey, it's your birthday...Partay!

Day 29 and what a great birthday party this turned out to be. We were able to enjoy good company and some amazing food. We had "Taco Queen" cater the party. This was some authentic Mexican grub. Was it paleo friendly? not quite, but I did my best. How was it cooked? On a flat top grill with some pure "manteca", that's pork fat for those that don't know. Not just your normal lard. We're talking about leftover grease after she already cooked her chicharones (pig intestines). Since animal fat was paleo approved, this was a win. I held off on the tortillas and threw all the meat over some mixed greens. Topped it off with some grilled onions, very spicy jalapenos, and some hot green and red salsa. This was just perfect, I didn't even miss the tortillas. It was so savory I had a second plate.

Dessert?! None for me. No cupcakes. No churros. No candy. Quite an accomplishment and everyone there was my witness. I barely had anytime to eat much anyway. As the father of the celebrant, I had to make sure to make my rounds to everyone. After the party ended some family came by the home to open gifts. Cailey is sure to have a good summer wardrobe and endless toys to play with. Thank you everyone.

Tomorrow ends my journey with the whole30, but the PNE continues. It'll start off a great workout, Murph. So today's rest day is sure to bring out tons of energy to get after it tomorrow. Good night everyone and have a healthy and safe Memorial Day.

सात बीस दिन Sāta bīsa dina

Day 27 and it was brilliant. It's Friday and Memorial day weekend begins. OH, it's also Cailey's 1st Birthday party this coming Sunday. It's going to be a great weekend to see family and friends.

Meals: omelette for breakfast. plain grilled chicken over lettuce for lunch and what you see above was the feast for dinner! Double turkey burger protein style with BACON!!!!


(Find your 3RM, look at our chart and see what correlates to your 1RM. 50% of your 1RM will be your suggested 20 reps)

My reps = 245# 3-rep max, 135# for 20 reps (I should of racked more weight but I used the table that suggested 135#)

Big props to Bruce at Canyon Crossfit for getting his first muscle up! Hell ya buddy! But I can't ignore one of my accomplishments. I nailed 2 unbroken muscle ups, yup that's right I did not let go of the rings. Thanks for the push PJ... you pigeon! BTW, I'm glad you ended your story with you kicking that boys ass.


A third of the way, day 10, into the whole 30 part of the PNE and still surprised that I feel good. Last night, before getting some shuteye, my wife Ally said "I really like crossfit and you knew I would." Yup folks, she's drinking the kool-aid and she will only get better. I believe the large 6:00pm class of about 15+ members showed that no matter who you are, young/old, male/female, new/experienced, contributed to a high energy and encouraging environment that crossfitters love. It brought out maximum intensity from each individual and some may say it's euphoric.

Meals for La tuya Tuesday (Petros & Money sports talk radio theme of the day)

Breakfast: Scrambled eggs, onions, spinach, avocado, coconut oil, & 2 cups black coffee. (Champions meal haha)

Mid morning snack: Spinach smoothie, roasted pistachios, banana

Lunch: Grilled herb chicken and broccoli

Snack: Fresh strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries, roasted mixed nuts (no peanuts)

Dinner: Leftover chicken stir fry, paleo "fried rice", and don't forget the bacon and then finish it off with some fresh mango.

WOD: Get Up, Stand Up.... Stand up for your fitness.

5 rounds of

21 Get ups (thank goodness they weren't Turkish)

7 hand stand push ups (Attempted Rx but ended up using abmats)

400m Run

My Time = 25:28

Quality, Form, Technique is today and everday's focus.

prep day, eighth day

With my wife's support, we designated Sunday as our weekly meal prep and the days turn out to be long and late as we finally finished cooking our last of 4 meals at 9:45pm. We have some great meals made from amazing recipes off of the nomnompaleo blog site and soon to be featured on this site. As we spent the day prepping our meals we decided to have one for dinner and boy was it a winner! I love Mexican food so much it's basically my kryptonite. This "braised beef taco" recipe had my name written all over it and my wife made it to perfection. I'm so lucky she cooks for us.

As for a workout, NOPE! Today was rest day for the body but we did have a family Sunday "Funday" at the park with our little girl and best bud. Now it's time to hit the sack and look foward to another great week ahead. DAD-MODE:ON, BEASTMODE:ON.

Cinco de Mayo (Day 7)

Got up this morning knowing it was gonna be a good day. I was able to sleep in, which is 7am for me, and still on a high from getting after "Fran" last night. Unfortunately my body can't fast that much longer so I had to eat breakfast and have some coffee. Breakfast or pre-wod meal was light, a banana with some almond butter.

I love weekend workouts at Canyon because nobody knows what the WOD will be and today, the wife is getting her first full crossfit workout. Got the to the box and BAM! Cardio blaster workout.

3 full rounds

Half tabata sets: 20 sec of work followed by 10 sec rest. (full tabata = 8 rounds, half = 4)

4 movements with 30 sec of rest between stations after the tabata sets are complete:

75# Push Press

24" Box jumps

Ring push ups

20# Wall Balls

I didn't count my total reps but I shot for 10 reps per movement in the first round but found myself decreasing 1-2 reps every round after. Total time for the workout was roughly 30 min and the core exercise was 3 min of planks, any which way you desired.

Post wod nutrition was cinco de mayo certified. Chorizo + Eggs + Avocado + peppers + onions. WINNING!

Now that our workout is complete for the week, we are scheduling to stock and load our fridge for the week. Paleomg and NomNomPaleo is our recipe finder for the week.

May the fourth be with you. (Day 6)

A little tidbit of why I chose the title of today's post. Believe it or not, I've never seen a Star Wars movie from beginning to end. Actually the only Star Wars movie I attempted to see was Episode II:Attack of the clones... and my wife (girlfriend at the time) and I literally fell asleep inside the theater, only to wake back up to see Yoda's fight scene... HAHA and I don't intend to watch one anytime soon either but I do understand it's impact on Star Wars fanatics so have fun on your day.

An update on yesterday, I did decide to take it off and rest. That gave me a good opportunity to take some pictures of where I train and the great people affiliated with the box. If you follow me here you might find yourself on my website, Andrew's, or Canyon's. Ahhhh Friday... winding down the end of the work week, thank goodness! I have to say this PNE has gone well for me, although I am human and I still get sweet cravings.

One of the great things about crossfit in general is it's rawness. Part of that will find it's way onto you, whether it's soreness, sense of accomplishment, or ripped skin of your palms. As of today, my hands are still torn up from Tuesdays workout and are healing well but I check online for today's WOD and BOOM, more pull ups. Frustrating I tell you but it's crossfit and I'm addicted, just like my coffee.


HOLY WOD-MOLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PR baby!!!!!

5:00pm class had a lot of members show up so Andrew decided to adjust todays WOD because there's not enough pull up bar space for 15+. So after the warmup we paired up to count for each other and who did I get as my partner? I call her, "The People's Champion", the first PNE winner, Lisa Aulick. As excited and happy I was for PR'ing by cutting my Fran time in half, I was more motivated and ecstatic for Lisa to complete her first WOD rx'd. This was also my first wod rx'd, maybe that's why. Now that was amazing, glad to have been a part of it.

WOD warmup: 6 min AMRAP

12 - burpees + 12 - 15# medicine ball slams

WOD: "Fran"

95# Thrusters

pull ups


My time: warmup = 4 + 13

FRAN = 7:37 (flew by the wod like a boeing jet, my previous time 14:16)

araw limang

I have to admit, one thing I won't give up is my coffee. So every night I program my automated brewer for my cup-of-joe in the morning to kick-start my day.I have 2 cups and don't drink anymore throughout the day.  It had started when I used to work in San Diego for a year and a half and commute from my home in Anaheim Hills, roughly 180 miles round trip. That got old really fast. I was never a morning person so I needed a stimulant to wake me up. I immediately gravitated to coffee. I was stubborn and drank it with cream and sugar and then I slowly changed it to coffeemate powder and splenda. After starting this PNE, I quickly switched to black only, overnight! That was quite a change and now I like it. So I'm glad I can still feed my addiction to coffee and take out the things that were much worse for me.  I've been drinking my coffee from the same mug for over 2 years. It's my "Livestrong" mug. It's somewhat meaningful to me because the word alone reminds me of how I should look at life. It also reminds me of my mother, who passed away from cancer 10 months ago. It drives me to stay healthy, show love and care for the world around me. Now it's on with my Thursday - rest day (maybe).

Lunch = leftover dinner from last night with some blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries.

Dinner = whatever leftovers we have from the week.


If I don't rest, here's the anticipated workout

Overhead Squat (find 1 rep max)


Run 800m (which I dislike)


P.S. Ally's second crossfit training session is today. Hopefully Ray challenges her again and she kicks some butt.

De quatre jours

Day 4. I decided to use some coconnut oil. As you can see the oil is not solid like the way we bought it. My house is usually 7-8 degrees warmer than room temp. Why? Because it's not the biggest place, something is always on, and we have 3 people and a 1 solid english bulldog roaming around. Breakfast: different smell, different taste, but all around good.

It's 11:30am right before lunch. I listen to ESPN radio Max&Marcellus daily because I'm a sports junkie and I love football, especially the San Diego Chargers. Hence, my bulldogs name "charger", but I just heard and am very saddened to share that one of the greatest San Diego Chargers player, Junior Seau, has died in an apparent suicide reported by TMZ but stated on ESPN radio. This tragedy will hit the football community really hard. RIP Junior!

My dinner was immediately after my workout so it was the perfect post wod nutrition of grilled peppered chicken salad with balsamic vinegar and olive oil. It was so good I helped myself to a second serving and for dessert some mango and kiwi.

Workout: "VO2 whaaaaat"
30 double unders
50 24" box jumps
30 double unders
50 push ups
30 double unders
50 sit ups
30 double unders
50 mountain climbers (2 is 1)
30 double unders
50 air squats

My time = 13:29 and to top it off for core 20 Turkish get-ups (35# kettle bell) which sucked. It's always good to workout with trainers and other athletes better than you. AFI... I will one day be at your level! (or at least aim for it)

May Gray

It's the first of the month and I have a lot to look forward to although, I wake up, get going, and in southern california it's drizzling wet. This is not normal in our so cal daily lives, but maybe in Northwest, oh well SOS (Same Old Sh**) type of morning and still feeling good.

Lunch was a repeat of last nights dinner with the addition of some grilled peppered chicken. After lunch, I decided to invest in a weight belt because I do plan to get after it and get some PR's in the next 30 days, so Big 5 you get a few of my hard earned dollars.

As for dinner, I have to give it up to my wife. She's fully supporting me during this PNE. She made an amazing crockpot roast with some sweet potatoes and asparagus. I'm one lucky guy to have married her.

WOD: "rip city" This workout flat out sucked. In total we have 1 mile, 49 push jerks, and 105 pull ups, but I got it done. During the workout I feel like I'm pushing and then once I recover I tell myself I should've went harder. So next time I'll go harder.

Run 800m (buy-in)

7 rounds of

7 Push Jerks

15 Pull ups

Run 800m (buy out)

My time = 24:09

Below is the aftermath of getting after it! Hope there's no pull ups anytime soon.




PNE - Day 1

I've decided to start this PNE on this Sunday just like how a normal week starts. I'm off to a good start with a filling breakfast of scrambled eggs, sweet peppers, onions, and spinach cooked with a little bit of extra virgin olive oil. Then I was off with my family to visit my mom at Forest Lawn cemetery. On the way I had a "green monster" smoothie. It consist of tropical frozen fruit blend of papaya, mango, pineapple, strawberries, bananas, 2 handfuls of spinach, and water. (Paleo friendly) Since I'm addicted to coffee I stopped by a joint called Dripp, ordered black and it was darn good.
Lunch time.... here's where it gets tough because off running errands and choosing where to eat and ordering the right food will be a challenge, but I decided on some el pollo loco chicken. An 8 piece family meal with mixed veggies and sweet potato fries that quickly turned into 16 piece chicken meal at the checkout. Took the food home and went to town but kept PNE in mind by going skinless and no fries because I doubt it was fried I'm coconut oil, olive oil, or ghee. So another meal down and feeling good. After lunch we embarked on our game plan for meals for the week. Costco and Sprouts are now our default markets and we loaded up on some meat and boat loads of fruits and veggies. Now we're stocked, locked and loaded ready to go.
Dinner... After consulting with the wifey on what to cook we settled on some grilled marinated chicken and steamed broccoli. Once dinner was done we took a little more time to do some extra food prep for the week once we put the little one to bed. This will allow me to stay focused and on track. This will probably be a staple meal because it doesn't seem to fail. So at the end of 1 full day, I feel great and I believe because it wasn't as drastic of a change to what I normally eat. Looking forward to the remainder of this experience and my daily wods.

Constantly changing

Just like the title of my journal, I'm always changing my mind. My wife calls it "phases", but one phase that I'm trying keep constant in my life is my health and fitness. Since I no longer play competitive organized sports my health and fitness has been a roller coaster. I've been doing crossfit for 6 months now. I've seen so many physical and mental improvements since the day I started. I used to consider myself an athlete, but crossfit has put me in my place of humble pie. This time around I'm going to track my training through this journal. Whether, it's a quick post of the WOD or a full explanation of the beat down I just went through. On top of that, I've decided to participate in the Performance Nutrition Experience (PNE) that our crossfit box is doing. Thanks to Canyon Crossfit I will be embarking on a challenging experience that will sure put my health in a better state. So l look foward to sharing the entire experience. Check back shortly...