Last day for the whole30!! woohoo!!

Day 30 and half way through the entire PNE. I reached 30 days successfully and the whole30 has change me.

Before I go on talking about the past 30 days I would like to share with you about today. It started with my alarm going off at 5:30am!!! I hate when I forget to turn it off for a holiday, although I was able to go back to sleep. Got up at 7am and knew what lied ahead, "Murph." This crossfit workout is what everyone talks about as one of those killer "WOD's." It was a workout in honor of a fallen Navy SEAL that loved this workout and had previously called it "Body Armor" and because of his courage and honor to our great country he has now become a legend. I had also started to read the book "The Lone Survivor" it is the full account of Murphy's Navy SEAL team of six that all but one perished in Afghanistan in 2005. I'm hooked and this morning's workout made it that much more meaningful. What a coincidence my 30th day falls on Memorial Day to honor our fallen men and women of the US Armed Forces, thanks for their services.

WOD: "Murph"

1 mile run

100 pullups

200 pushups

300 air squats

1 mile run

(exercise movements can be partitioned, I did them in 10 rounds of 10-20-30)

My Time = 43:41

After the 8am workout it was time to eat. We stopped by Sprouts to do some grocery shopping for the week. We grabbed some lots of fruits and veggies, sweet potatoes, and some all natural sausage links for the post wod brunch meal. Brunch was an egg scramble with some leftover grilled onions and jalapenos from the "Taco Queen" catering company, spinach, breakfast sausages, and avocados. Shortly after we headed over to my aunts house to grub some more. There I had some grilled ribeyes on top of mixed greens with some kamote. Kamote, pronounced kah-mo-teh, is the Philippine version of sweet potato, it has the dark outer color of a yam but light yellow inner color of a sweet potato. It's delicious and is found in markets like 99 Ranch. Right after we finished a late lunch we're off to south Orange County to our friends place for another barbecue. Sliders and korean short ribs were on the menu. I ate the meat over a bed of romaine lettuce, hold the cheese and dressings. I know the "galbi" is not the cleanest of paleo, but I had one short rib. For dessert, some good old fresh fruit, strawberries, melons, and pineapple, as everyone else went to town on some homemade chocolate cheescake that I did wish I had. I stayed strong and kept the course. But I was still hungry when I got home. So I heated up some of that amazzing leftover carne asada and al pastor. Threw it on some mixed greens and doused it with some salsa rojo, the spicy stuff! DING DING DING! Hot but really good and it hit the spot. I ended the meal wit a handful of cherries. Now that I think of it every thing was so tasty and thats why I felt like the 30 days was smooth. If anyone reading this is on the fence, give it try and go for it 100%. It'll be worth it.

I'm a believer in you are what you eat. I could not have succeeded without the full support of my wife, daughter, that so happened to turn 1 year old during the experience, and the canyon crossfit community. I overcame the challenges of cravings and decision making. The mind is powerful, it gave me more strength than any barbell, kettle bell, pushup, or pullup can ever give. My fitness would not have seen the gains and PR's if it wasn't for whole30 being a part of me and my daily life. I am not done by any means, all this has done is show me what I am capable of and the benefits of whole natural food. I've come to understand what my health and fitness means in this short journey and how I can better live life moving forward. Everyone jump on this bandwagon, there will always be space, you are worth it and if you fall, get right back up.