દિવસ વીસ આઠ Divasa vīsa āṭha

Day 28 and it's the Saturday of memorial weekend. Look what I got in the mail...my new Rx jump rope! I'm ready to get to the next level of double unders. The daughter was up early so I was able to catch the 8am class with her. Everyone is always asking what we do with Cailey because she's so good sitting in her stroller while we workout. To be honest, all the credit goes to my wife and I'm just lucky. Cailey is used to hanging out in her stroller when mommy would take her to "stroller strides." Its a bunch of moms and their kids, of different ages, at a park working out with a trainer. So again I'm just benefiting from it all.

Tomorrow is sure to bring an interesting blog. Family, friends, birthday party, Mexican food, and cupcakes....stay tuned.


Had a great breakfast scramble with peppers, onions, jalapeños, and BACON! For lunch was some rotisserie chicken on green leaf lettuce with some guacamole and fire roasted salsa. Dinner...another turkey burger protein style.

WOD: 7 minute clinics

Part A - 7 min AMRAP
13 - 155# burpee deadlift
26 - 24" box jumps
My results = 2 rounds + 6 reps

Part B - 7 min AMRAP
26 - 20# wall balls
26 - 53# kettle bell swings
My results = 2 rounds + 7 reps

Part C - 7 min AMRAP
26 - double unders
26 - walking lunges
250m run
My results = 3 rounds