It's been 3 days since my last post and I'm feeling great during the day, but not so much after a brutal wod like yesterday. I'll recap my workouts at the end of the post.
Tuesday and Wednesday were a nutrition breeze. For some reason doing a whole30 is not a challenge anymore. It's more enjoyable now. The way my body feels and reacts to whole natural foods is amazing. Something I want to point out is the member activity on the PNE facebook page. It's motivating and inspiring to see so many people involved and then you go to the gym and everyone is talking about the different types of food and their personal progress. Ah, what a life changer this program is. There is one member that decided to blog about her experience and I think it's captivating, Mrs. Jill Schoch, thank you for entertaining and sharing. She's the epitome of "Crossfit is for anyone and everyone." I had to share her blog with my older sister. One, because Jill's initial experience with crossfit is the same as when my sister started crossfit last week and two, I was able to convince her to read "It Starts with Food." Three, actually complete a whole30 and finally, join crossfit. These women's journeys are very encouraging and I'm glad to be following them.
Everything is all fine and dandy when I walk into Canyon last night and see my fellow crossfitters. It's also one of those days where you get to workout and/or watch the "top dogs" at our gym, mainly Josh, Afi, and Gabe. After Josh finishes the wod, all he had to say was "that one sucked!" with what little breath he had left while he was sprawled out on the floor. GREATTTTT, I thought. My goal was just to try and keep up with Afi and Gabe, until Gabe pointed out the warmup. It was heavier than the wod for goodness sakes, but it was Josh's idea so we can hit "Club 13", a new achievement program the Canyon coaches started. Anyway, hang squat clean thrustering 135# is no easy task but I got it done and begged for more recovery time before the actual wod.
There comes a time during the wod where my body doesn't want to listen to my mind. For example, my mind tells my body "this workout really sucks but if you don't want to be a pansy pick up the pace and go faster!" and my body responds like an untrained dog looking at its master and does nothing. I continue the current slow pace I'm going or stop and catch my breath. If only my capacity was that much more, I can say I hang with the "top dogs" of our gym. This gave me an epiphany, I've got to step my game up. I have to start running more to increase my endurance and I have to start lifting more to increase my strength. DUH, CARL! But how in the world am I going to do this, I work full-time and have a family, which is my priority. I guess it can simply be put by starting to become and early bird, buts it's not like I was ever a night owl to begin with. So I'm planning on starting tomorrow, Friday the 25th. Why? Because I leave for a 5 day business trip to Texas. The time difference is +2 hours, perfect for me to start training the body to get up early and get moving. Accountability, remember? I need to stay accountable to reach my goals. Wish me luck and cheer me on.
Tues WOD:
Push Jerks
3-3-3-3-3 (165#-185-195-205-215)
Run 800m max effort: 2:30 (PR)
Unbroken Double Unders: 84 (PR)
Core: 40 hollow rocks, 30 GHD situps
Warmup: Every Min on the Min (EMOM) for 6 min
3 hang squat clean (135#)
3 thrusters
5 rounds for time
10 hang squat clean thruster (95#)
Run 400m
My time= 16:31 Rx
Core: 3 rounds (20# med ball)
10 get ups
10 twist
10 sit ups
Snatch Balance Technique work (Press, Heave, Snatch Balance)
Overhead Squat 95#
My Time: 6:54 RX
Tuesday morning breakfast, chicken chili con verde with scrambled eggs and jalapenos.