The holiday weekend has come to an end and it was a good one. Let's recap some things. Saturday morning started with a BANG! The PNE kickoff was amazing, high energy and lots of enthusiasm by the new and veteran participants. Our family meals were tasty and we're super stoked to be back on the whole30 plan. Then came "Championship" Sunday for us football lovers. The two head coaches of the San Francisco 49ers and the Baltimore Ravens are the Harbaugh brothers and will be facing off on Superbowl forty-seven. Low and behold we got the "Super-Baugh" or the "Har-Bowl" however you want to call it. Lastly, Martin Luther King Day, we have come so far as a nation that today was also the inaugural celebration of the second term of President Obama. I'm not super political, but wherever you stand we all were just a part of history. As you can see or read, a lot has happened in the span of 3 days, but I'm willing to bet all the participants and I got through the weekend unbroken, just like we do at our crossfit gym.
The saturday PNE kickoff workout and brunch was a perfect start to the day. I wasn't able to PR on the wod but I'll be looking to get after it in 60 days at the end of this experience. Soon after, the immediate consumption of tasty food was perfect for recovery and the grumbling stomach. Kudos to all the cooks/"box-moms," the dishes were amazing! After all that, the remaining day seemed to just flow. We had paleo chili for lunch and jetted off to Sprouts to stock our refrigerator for prep/cook day the following day. Oh ya, that consisted of purchasing 80lbs, yes eight-zero pounds, of boneless skinless chicken thighs and to all the workers at Sprouts, we're are not having a party, just stocking up for a family for three. We planned to make a persian dish called koobideh and it required grating and onion with our ground lamb and let me say this, if anyone ever wants to grate an onion be prepared to suffer........enormously! I'll leave it at that.
"Championship" Sunday was upon us, but before the game, I was reminded on facebook that Canyon Crossfit will be observing MLK day and only have a 9am session. I usually don't wod on Sundays, but this was an exception since I can't make it on Monday and so I loaded up the baby girl and off we went. The wod was momentous, literally! How fast can you and a partner move 10, 20, or 30 tons of total weight with only 3 movements using a barbell? Grrrreeeaaatttt, just my luck, and to top it off, I get paired with Herculean-Bill, thanks Ray! I've gotten to know Bill's M.O. for a while now, "go big or go home"! You guessed it, we chose 30 tons and NOT the prescribed weight of a 45lb barbell, but let's "go big" and use 65lbs. To my chagrin, we load up and 3, 2, 1....go. Sumo deadlift high-pulls: 308 reps, Strict overhead press: 308 reps, and last but not least overhead squats: 308 reps. Yup, you calculated that right we completed 924 reps, just a little over 30 tons or 60,000 lbs. I won't sell myself short, I'm probably 2-3x smaller than Bill so he made up for more reps on the press and squat, but I know he wouldn't be able to do all that by himself, so I can say we got after it and finished at 48:05 as RX'd. Got home after letting the little one burn off some energy at the park and hit the floor running, well I mean cooking. We started by grilling our chicken thighs, its a weekly staple in this house and oh-so-good! We then threw the lamb koobideh on the grill. It was our first time making this dish but BAM! It turned out super amazing. It was a flavor explosion and aside from the painstaking grating of an onion, the recipe was fairly easy. Oh, we didn't forget our veggies, grilled cauliflower, zucchini, and tomatoes. Lunch and dinner were served!
Unfortunately, my place of work does not observe MLK day. It is important but that's ok because it's made up with giving us a floating holiday for the year, so I can use it whenever I so choose, I'll take that. My day started with the usually three egg omelette with onions and spinach but this time with a side of leftover chili chicken con verde instead sweet potato hash that was on sample at the PNE kickoff. For lunch, I had that amazing lamb koobideh that tasted just as good as yesterday. Since it was my crossfit rest day, I was excited to get home to my lovely family and enjoy our evening. For dinner we our staple grilled chicken with sweet potato and roasted brussel sprouts. I'm ending the evening with wrestling with my daughter to burn off some energy, walking my dog, and sharing it with all of you. Good night and stay tuned for what's ahead.
Run 400m
1 round of Cindy (5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 air squats)
21 Deadlifts 155#
Run 400m
1 round of Cindy
15 Front Squats 155#
Run 400m
1 round of Cindy
9 Clean & Jerks 155#
Time = 12:49 as RX'd
grilling lamb koobideh
the final plating