And I'm back...

So if you perused my blog and saw there was no activity, I'm sorry. I have no excuse, I was too lazy to post anything because it takes a lot of my time and I'd rather train and be with my family. Now since that's off my chest, I can share some good news. I PR'd my back squat this week and it was unplanned. I had already did some back squats to start the week because I noticed squats were programmed at the end of the week. On top of the weekly training, the crossfit games open had started. I really want to do well for personal reasons so I didn't intend to go heavy on back squats before Saturday's "tri-city open". This is a new and super cool event. Our box is joining two other crossfit boxes and are going to do the open workouts competition style, where people sign up for heats and perform the brutal wod of:​

17 min AMRAP

40 burpees

30 Snatches @ 75(M)/45(F)#​

30 burpees

30 Snatches 135/75

20 burpees

30 snatches 165/100

10 burpees

max Snatches 210/120

​Good Luck to all participants. It's going to be really fun, see you all tomorrow! OK and here's the video of me PR'ing on my back squat and if you want to see some new pics, click the 'crossfit" tab on the left and then "Femme Royale Canyon Ladies".