I need to get active on this blog once again. This blog gave me a little more accountability during my first PNE (Performance Nutrition Experience) challenge. It has changed my life and I'm hoping that this next go around with the new Canyon members will change other lives as well. The wifey has been upgraded to one of the elite paleo cooks of our community. I, on the other hand, just benefit from it and I'm very thankful.
This next PNE challenge will begin on January 19th and we will be participating. As a brief overview, it is a 60 day experience that consist on bettering your health mentally and physically. It is based not solely on a number on the scale but the overall change in body composition, mindset, and athletic performance. We follow the whole30 eating guidelines from the whole9life crew and reference their outstanding book "It Starts with Food." Trust me, it will make you a better person overall. The wifey and I are here to support you (since someone out there is reading this) and the community. In fact, you don't even have to be a member of our gym to participate. There will a seminar video that you can watch and you can always ask questions to either me or our coach Andrew through the canyon or PNE website.
This Saturday will be Canyon's kickoff to this next PNE. We will bust our asses for a workout and enjoy a healthy whole30 approved brunch to get everyone rolling. Stay tuned for what's to come. I am accountable for my actions, don't hesitate to remind me.