A third of the way, day 10, into the whole 30 part of the PNE and still surprised that I feel good. Last night, before getting some shuteye, my wife Ally said "I really like crossfit and you knew I would." Yup folks, she's drinking the kool-aid and she will only get better. I believe the large 6:00pm class of about 15+ members showed that no matter who you are, young/old, male/female, new/experienced, contributed to a high energy and encouraging environment that crossfitters love. It brought out maximum intensity from each individual and some may say it's euphoric.

Meals for La tuya Tuesday (Petros & Money sports talk radio theme of the day)

Breakfast: Scrambled eggs, onions, spinach, avocado, coconut oil, & 2 cups black coffee. (Champions meal haha)

Mid morning snack: Spinach smoothie, roasted pistachios, banana

Lunch: Grilled herb chicken and broccoli

Snack: Fresh strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries, roasted mixed nuts (no peanuts)

Dinner: Leftover chicken stir fry, paleo "fried rice", and don't forget the bacon and then finish it off with some fresh mango.

WOD: Get Up, Stand Up.... Stand up for your fitness.

5 rounds of

21 Get ups (thank goodness they weren't Turkish)

7 hand stand push ups (Attempted Rx but ended up using abmats)

400m Run

My Time = 25:28

Quality, Form, Technique is today and everday's focus.