No case of the Mondays for me, I'm ready to seize the day. The weather gets better in sunny so cal and so does this PNE. Anyone following the crossfit games? I am. I've been attached to the competition ever since my good friend Jane convinced me to sign up for the open. I tried the open workouts not only to see how hard they would be, but to also see how crazy fit the elite athletes are. They make the workouts seem like childs play as I was dead beat out of my mind and oxygen deprived. I get motivated again and again after seeing some of the well-known names like Spealler, Matt Chan, & Aja really kick ass during the regionals. I can't overhead squat for the life of me or perform unbroken muscle ups, but I will damn sure give it my all and that's why I continue to crossfit and do this PNE.
So what's my Monday meal plan?
Breakfast: scrambled eggs with onions, spinach, and avocados cooked with coconut oil and 2 cups of black coffee.
Mid-morning snack: Green monster smoothie, banana, and roasted mixed nuts, no peanuts (unsalted).
Lunch: Chicken stir fry with some paleo "fried rice" with BACON!!!!
Afternoon snack: fresh strawberries, blueberries, raspberries
Dinner: Leftovers of the amazing "Oven Braised Mexican Beef" this time we'll add some avocado.
Warmup: Tabata Sprints (killer!)
WOD: Cindy's evil twin sister - AMRAP 20 min
15 Air squats
12 Push ups (hand release)
9 Pull ups (gonna still dread this one since my palms haven't healed completely)
SCORE = 13 rounds + 9 add'l reps (thanks to Drew for pushing me, i felt pretty darn good)