Absolutely amazing and I'm not talking about the view above. What am I talking about? My blood test results. My company hosted a benefits health screen for the employees and their family members (no children). This was done to help alleviate the staggering increase of healthcare costs to the company and the employees. The last time I had some blood work was 6 years ago. I never bothered to re-test myself because I "felt" healthy, how naive of me. Back then I was overweight, had high cholesterol, high LDL (bad stuff), low HDL (good stuff), slightly higher than normal triglycerides, and pre-diabetic glucose levels(I loved candy).
Today was, by far, more than surprising. I'm normal weight for my height, finally! I have normal blood pressure; my total cholesterol was less than 100 mg/dL (meaning the machine can only detect 100 or greater, so basically my levels are undetectable), LDL was super low (also undetectable because of the sensitivity of the machine), HDL was normal within range (higher is better, but I'll take normal), triglycerides were well below normal (more like optimal), and my glucose levels are normal within range as well. So what does this tell me? According to my blood test, I'm healthier than I've ever been, OPTIMAL. My goodness, they can't even obtain a total cholesterol to HDL ratio because no exact number could be given it just stated less than the lowest value. FYI, normal cholesterol levels is for any value less than 200 mg/dL and I was less than 100 mg/dL. I'm ecstatic and who said eating eggs daily is bad for you because of the cholesterol? I don't think I'm alone when I say that I was nervous going into the screen because I didn't know what to expect. If results were not in my favor, then I'd have to rethink what I'm doing for health, but now I don't need to. What I need to do is continue on with my current lifestyle and keep monitor myself. Self-awareness is key and I'm ulitmately responsible for myself and that's it.
Thank you Canyon Crossfit, trainers and members, and Whole9Life for guidance. It was up to me to succeed and I'm headed that way.
Workout: 8+ mile Mountain bike ride to enjoy the so cal sun.
The after ride meal was just right. A salmon burger protein style with a side of sweet potatoes.