Hey readers (the very few of you),
Today's topic is a little different. It hits closer to home and does relate to reasons why I chose to participate in Canyon Crossfit's Performance Nutrition Experience, that consists of the paleo lifestyle. It's about CANCER and I absolutely hate it.
I'm writing to you all today requesting for support in the Fight against Cancer. For the past 6 years I have been involved in a Relay event with my wife and family in memory of her grandmother's passing of Ovarian cancer. This year, I'm relaying in memory of my mother, Tess Javier. I have great passion to give back to the community because of my family history with cancer and I've devoted myself by participating in events and even deeper through my career in science and research. That's why I have chosen to fight back by participating in the American Cancer Society Relay For Life® in the city of Walnut on June 23-24. For 24 hours our team will walk for a cure.
I Relay because...
...I do it for the ones I love and need love.
...It means so much to me.
...I want to support survivors.
...I want to remember fighters.
...I want you to be aware.
...Cancer is tough, but together we're tougher.
...without hope there is no fight.
...it's a part of my life.
...I will be part of the cure.
...I love my mom, grandmother-in-law & family.
This year, hundreds of thousands of people will hear the words "You have cancer", and there's a good chance that some of them will be people we know and love. In October 2009, I was struck with the harshest of news that my own mother was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer and succumbed to the disease almost 2 years later. I use life's hardest trials and tribulations to stay positive, give support, and look towards brighter tomorrows. This event has touched me deeper than it already has. I am here to help fight cancer through the work I perform, the support my family needs, and the participation of awareness through community events. We have all been touched by cancer in some way ... and we all have the power to make a difference.
I want to invite you to join me in the fight against cancer by making a donation in support of my efforts. Every amount, no matter how small, makes a difference and provides hope. You can also sign up to join my team and learn more about Relay and how it's changing lives.
To donate on my behalf please click My Support Page and select "Donate on my behalf". Thank you in advance for your support. Together, we will celebrate, remember, and fight back.
And a quick bit of today...here's a paleo meal that has a lot of flavor. Thai green curry chicken. Made with chicken breast, coconut milk, Thai kitchen all-natural curry paste (whole 30 approved), broccoli, and peas.
WOD: Fran's evil triplet sister
Run 1200 Meters
50 Barbell Thrusters
30 Pull Ups
Run 800 Meters
25 Barbell Thrusters
15 Pull Ups
Run 400 Meters
15 Barbel Thrusters
9 Pull Ups
My Time = 20:41 (I made up for my dismal time on yesterday's wod, I really got after this one today.)