Clockwork...June comes and there goes the sun, nonexistent. Monday was well....Monday, nothing too exciting. Same ole same ole. Until..... Dinner!!!
Do you see what we had?!?! An accidental culinary miracle at the Javier kitchen. It was to die for (almost everything she makes is)...and just to think that some restaurant would want to charge $30+ for such a plate. Ally pan grilled salmon in some olive oil, skin down. Midway through the cooking she realized she couldn't flip the filet. She had some ingenuity in her quick thinking and decided to wrap some foil over the grill pan. So in the end we had a pan grilled-steam salmon filet that turned out to be....excellent. The veggie portion was a new choice for us and a perfect compliment. We had roasted baby bok choy, seasoned with garlic salt, pepper, and drizzled olive oil. To top it all off was some fresh mango-avocado salsa. As if the plate didn't need anymore highlights, this salsa dots the i's and crosses the t's on this meal! BABOOM and that was dinner... but wait I'm lucky again since she always cooks extra and now I also have lunch tomorrow. WINNER!
WOD: 50's chipper
For Time:
50 Box Jumps 24" / 20"
50 Ring Rows
50 KB Swings 53/35
50 Sit Ups
50 Hang Power Cleans 95/65
50 Push Ups
800 Meter Run
My time = 21:24, a bit disappointed with my time because I wanted to beat 20 min, but I got caught up on the ring rows and push ups. For some odd reason I would have rather done pullups. Oh well just exploited more weaknesses I have to work on.