Monday started off normal, but by the evening something miraculous happened. My younger brother, Phil-n-Good, had committed to workout! He had just graduated from school and now has more time on his hands before he steps into the real working world. He's broke as a joke, as with most students, but he wanted to try crossfit and I let him have it. I'm not a level 1 certified trainer but I sure have coaching experience. I actually coached my brother when he began high school, so it felt natural to help him out and give him some pointers. I have a good sense of how the body works with my biology background and current job, working for an orthopedic medical device company, so giving instruction on how to squat, lunge, stretch, jump and push was good practice for me. It will help me be a better speaker when having to talk about a specific topics and it also brought back memories of coaching, which I absolutely loved. By the end of the workout my little brother got his butt kicked, but I think he liked it and is willing to endure more to get back in shape.
Tuesday, was to no surprise, "the same old thang," breakfast, work, lunch, workout, dinner. Since riding my bike, both mountain and road, last week, all I could think about that day was more biking. Now that the days are getting longer I can basically ride until 8pm. Now I have a balancing act, wod or bike, because doing both would just drain me. I figured I should enjoy the so cal summer and just make biking my wod, it's just too darn fun not to bike and I get the best of both worlds. The only repercussions of biking a lot is a sore bottom, if you know what I mean.
So what's in store for today, Wednesday? Not much, just staying focused on my loving family and health. That's my goal everday and it will always be my priorities. I'm excited for a book which is a surprise because I don't read often but it should arrive tomorrow. This book is sure to help educate me in my healthy lifestyle as well as my family's. The title is "It Starts With Food" and it was written by Dallas & Melissa Hartwig, the founders of whole 9, the program I currently follow. I've mentioned them in the past but they're always worth noting as it has changed my life. Hopefully I can read this book quickly and share my thoughts. So again if you're looking for a change, look no further. Happy hump day to all! Oh ya and here's breakfast this morning. Yes, that's tapatio!
Today's WOD:
Part 1:
Power Cleans
3 Consecutive Reps every 30 seconds for ten sets. 60% of 1RM
Part 2:
3 Rounds for time:
5 Power Cleans 165 / 115
7 Burpee Broad Jumps 7'/5'
My Results = Part 1: 135#, Part 2: 3:06