Activity dilemmas

Look what came today?! An early Father's day gift to myself, It Starts with Food book. I need to fill my brain with more health knowledge. Look no further, all the info is right in this book.

On the other hand, I always get this activity/outdoors excitement as summer officially approaches. Have I mentioned I love where I live? Southern California, especially Orange County, should by far be the best area for me and my family. Why? First, the obvious, weather is fantastic and we all know everyone else is jealous besides Florida and Hawaii for the most part. Secondly, for geographic reasons, our proximity to the beach and mountains. I can hit the beach or mountains in any direction I choose in as little as 30 min. In August of 2007 I climbed to the peak of Mt. Whitney, 14,500ft the tallest point in the 48 states, and the by the evening I was down in Huntington Beach at sea level, can't beat that!

So I'm contemplating what I want to do this weekend. It's father's day weekend and I'm now in the ranks, so I get to choose. Hike, Bike, or train? I'll keep the outings short because I'll be spending the remaining day with my lovely family.

I need the sun, I want some sun, but I cook and turn red, I don't tan! I need to get rid of a darn farmers tan (its bad) that I got when watching the the pros ride at the Tour of California. Be alarmed my arms are skinny and bright! YES, bright, i barely have pigment!

WOD: Balls to the wall, upside down!

For Time
25 Wall Balls (2'fers)
20 Wall Balls 20/14 (2'fers)
15 Wall Balls (2'fers)
10 Wall Balls (2'fers)
5 Wall Balls (2'fers)

My Results = 16:44 RX baby (first time to complete a wod w/ HSPU rx'd woohoo)