We spent the day on a whim by going to Crossfit RXD's grand opening at their new site. They moved to Anaheim, CA on La Palma Ave. This street is now the Crossfit hub of north orange county. In about an 8 mile span there 5 Crossfit boxes, talk about spreading like wildfire and being popular. This new box is very accommodating with plenty of amenities including a childrens area, which Cailey loved (see below). The entire day was long but very fun. Five members including Canyon's coach Andrew signed up for their wod and he went beast mode doing the fire breather division while the rest of us did advanced and intermediate. I chose to do advance, which was asking for pain. Heres what we did
1 min power cleans 185#
1 min rest
1 min overhead squat 95#
3 min rest
10 min increasing AMRAP
Row for calories
Pull ups
Hands release push ups
This workout was brutal and as usual, I was put in my place by completing only 12 power cleans, 17 OHS, and a total of 182 reps during the AMRAP.