Merry Christmas to me for football will consume my life until February 2013. I got my loving wife into football when we started dating and we were Chargers season ticket holders up until we had our little one born last year. Now she doesn't seem to fond of the sport I love. I guess as a normal fanatic male, my attention span to anything outside of football is 0.01%. So please, if my television is on during football season, repeat and repeat loudly when you want to grab my full attention. Which in those cases, it's literally on any football game at any given time I'm home, upstairs, downstairs, outside, or inside.
Even though it is football season, I still have my other hobbies to enjoy like Crossfit, biking (mountain or road), and my winter favorite, snowboarding. So the weekends my favorite teams have byes I'll be sure to hit the dirt or the powder and during the week, I'll keep my normal routine of crossfitting after work.
With the joys of fall and winter right around the corner, I also have the infamous consumption challenge. Not just consuming football and activities, but food and beer! I think I've learned to manage the food part fairly well after going through the whole30 program but beer, now that's my kryptonite. Beer and football are synonymous with each other, but I have to fight those urges and leave the good ole brew at a minimal amount.
Back to my workouts. Today was brutal, to say the least! I'm definitely going to feel the soreness and pains tomorrow. So here's what we did for our WOD:
7 rounds x 10 reps of Deadlifts: 225, 275, 315, 335, 295, 245, 225
In between rounds we did 10 burpee/box jumps and accumulated total time = 2:59
500m Row = 1:41
Unbroken Dbl Unders = 30 (by this time, i was happy to get 10, dead legs)
Rest day tomorrow!
Father- Daughter moment from Labor Day weekend.