
I've managed to get quite a few people to give the "whole&natural" lifestyle a try after completing the Performance Nutrition Experience (PNE), which consisted of the whole30, at the end of June​. My brother-in-law did it and got so involved, he decided to invest in a road bike to supplement his other fitness activities, boxing and running. He said, "I'm on a mission!" and I can't agree anymore. We now have a 3-brothers roadie squad instead of 2. We're going to have some fun rides.

My wife also started the whole30. She's on day 2 and I know she's gonna do great. We both read the book and are trying to influence the people around us by example. So I'll make sure to give updates as this new whole30 session progresses. Check out below, here's what we had for dinner and it was "da BOMB!"​

​Today's WOD: Cindy

20 min AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)​

5 pull ups​

10 push ups (hands-release)​

15 air squats​

​My score = 18 rounds + 10 reps
