The first of the month came and went, but not without some good food, workouts, and entertainment. Monday's are always tough, I'm hoping it's not just me that feels this way. I wake up before the sun rises and that's always hard but at least I get home before the sun sets. Today, Tuesday, I woke up with the repercussions of yesterday, a sore left shoulder and elbow, but it was all worth it.
Yesterday was summer's final stand before conceding to fall. The temperature hit a high 105 degrees in Anaheim Hills and was 99 degrees by the time I got to Canyon Crossfit to workout. I knew what I was getting into when I got there and because I read the workout earlier in the day, I was already intimidated. I have to stop doing that and just show up, but gosh, I'm only an eager beaver when it comes to this crossfit addiction. Anyway, the workout was brutal, but I finished. It was 5 rounds of running 400m and 7 muscle ups. If you're unfamiliar with muscle ups (MU), then all you have to think about are the gymnastic rings and in one fluid movement you've got to get from hanging on the rings to fully suspended pressed out position at the top with the rings at the side of your hips. Yes, it sounds confusing, but it's one of the most technical body movements for any athlete and this time I did a total of 35 reps, which is a personal best!
I got home and walked into aromatic wall of foodie heaven. The mrs. went on a cooking spree and prepared some flavor-bomb treats, kale chips and morning glory muffins. I don't ask how or what anymore, I just taste and enjoy. To top it off we had paleo spaghetti for dinner and if you've been following allypie on instagram or read some old posts, it's her homemade spaghetti sauce with ground grassfed beef over some spaghetti squash. Once again, it's a winner and has become a staple on our menu. Oh and about those kale chips, I ate them so fast she had to remind me to slow down and savor them first since it was the first go around. It reminded me of nori, japanese salted seaweed. Next up were the muffins, yum yum yum yum yum. They are not sweet like you would think a regular muffin would be, but they're just right. Sorry I can't even explain what they taste like, check it out on her instagram and let me know what you think it looks like, but trust me they are tasty.
As with all Monday's in the fall season, there's MNF, Monday Night Football. Since football is my favorite sport, I make sure to get my fix no matter what team is playing. I also make sure to include my little girl on this ritual. She likes the sport, she even knows the hand signal for "touchdown." I think she'll be able to talk about football better than most boys as she gets older, she'll be well prepared for those conversations for sure. We wrestle and run around after dinner, it's her way of efficient digestion. She's at a point where she's a sponge and taking in everything that surrounds her. So I took the opportunity to teach her the push up. She watches her mom and dad workout all the time, so why not let her at it. See her version of the push up below, it made my day, nothing better than to start the month off with great memories.