It's been 1 whole week on the whole30 program and I'm back to being fully charged. The only thing I don't like is the fact that I have to wake up at 5:30 am every morning for work. So I'm really only getting 7 hours of sleep instead of the ideal 8. It's alright, I'm still fresh and ready to go with my cup of Joe.
We spent this past weekend without any special events and the only thing scheduled was a photo shoot with my brother-in-law on Sunday. Since we knew that was happening we knocked out our grocery and food prep for this week on Saturday instead of Sunday. We did our Crossfit thing in the morning, which was a tough "Deck of Cards" workout. Soon after we did our infamous Costco & Sprouts run. We loaded up on a lot of produce and some meat, only because we stocked up on grassfed beef and chicken when they went on sale. We bought some dates and are gonna try to make a magical concoction of bacon wrapped dates that we stumbled upon during Crossfit RXD's grand opening. It's meat candy from the heavens! Speaking of the heavens, the angles sure helped the Notre Dame Fighting Irish for winning their overtime game of Stanford. I was elated for the rest of the day and slept soundly!
Sunday was cooking day. So a little insight on my wifey. Never did I think she'd know how to cook, yet alone love cooking, but converting to paleo changed all that. She's making meals that I used to only read and hear about. Now I get to eat and enjoy them all. She's super efficient, able to cook 3 whole meals at a time in our tiny kitchen. What were they? Chili, sweet potato hash, and roasted pork loin. Not to shabby. By the way, that roasted pork was so succulent and tender, it will become a staple in our household menu. In addition we had some chicken and shrimp marinating for the grill. What an abundance of food?! We honestly can say we eat darn good tasting healthy food and we're proud of it. I never thought it would be this good and this easy with a little bit of effort.
By late afternoon/early evening we had a family photo shoot. Since I'm usually behind the camera we don't have many pictures of just us. Thanks to my brother-in-law he took some time out of his day to capture some moments of the 3 of us. We can't thank him enough, so we grilled and fed them dinner, grilled chicken & shrimp with roasted broccoli and cauliflower. HAHA! Here's what he got and we can't be any happier with them.
Here's my WOD (always reads easier than it actually is)
5 rounds for max reps
115# Shoulder Press for 30 seconds
Rest 1 min
Toes to bar for 30 seconds
Rest 1 min
My score = 105 reps Rx (24 shoulder presses + 81 toes to bar)....need to work on shoulder press!