2012 OC Throwdown

Last weekend I got a great opportunity to shoot the biggest Orange County Crossfit event called the OC throwdown. I got full media access which was amazing. It was tons of fun and I want to thank SICFIT for doing the great work they do. Picture gallery to come soon.

EDIT: Pics are up check em out on my photos section.

Triple D!

Although I love the show Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives, it's not what I meant for Triple D. I said it on facebook in the beginning of the year: Dedication, Determination, and Discipline. I have to be dedicated to my family, the health of my family, and myself. I'm determined to provide for my family, food on the table and roof over our heads. I will be disciplined to stay healthy, motivated, and loving to the people in my life. How do I achieve this with 24 hours in a day? Where 5 days a week are spent with 8 hours sleeping and 10 hours at work... It's not an easy road and there are things that have changed in my life and it started with the birth of my beautiful daughter. So I wake up every morning asking myself, How can I be better today than I was yesterday?  And just as my mom raised me, I will give thanks that I'm alive today.

CrossFit... that shi* cray!

Yes this sh*t cray! Crossfit that is, it's freaking insane and I'm getting older, so I gotta do something. How do I know? Because I haven't recovered from this damn shoulder injury. I can't be a whinny little bi***h and let it consume me but at the same time I can't be an idiot and make it worse. So what gives? Do something else to tickle my fancy and workout until I can't breathe. It's been about 7 weeks since I started crossfit. I've lost 9lbs and still look like the pale nerdy person that you may know, but who gives a rats arse. I feel pretty good, tired to say the least, and my older clothes are starting to fit me again. I get compliments here and there and sure it's flattering but I'm starting to realize those chiseled abs and muscle defining lines probably wont see the light of day, but who knows, maybe I'll find the next motivating piece. What's next on the agenda? continue my normal routine of spontaneity.

New Beginnings...

It came in a flash... so it seems that way now. But, on that day it happened so slowly I remember every detail. YUP, I'm talking about the day our beautiful daughter Cailey Rose Mieko Javier was born. May 21, 2011 11:30am. 9lbs 3oz. 21 inches. That folks is good healthy whopping baby! Without further or do, here she is.

Here are our favorites from birth and 1 week old. More to come...

Lastly... have any of you seen Google Chrome's dear Sophie ad? Well I have to thank my brother-in-law for showing it to me which has inspired me to do it for Cailey as well. Here's the video if you haven't seen it yet.

Good night all... or shall I say Good Morning.


So it's December and where has the year gone? I've decided to take on this blog with the many other random things i take and do... I need to go SNOWBOARDING, I want to go mountain biking and/or cycling, I want to travel, I want to take a lot of photos. So many itches, but look what's coming this has got my mind jumping.

The greatest news to hit me was that above, I'm the happiest expecting-Dad and I love my wife for it! Boy or Girl?... wait and see.

Here's our chubby buddy Charger posing for me.

...and since we started Christmas decorating early, this is what i made him do.

Here's one pic for memories on how we got here, we're too damn cool and sexy without even trying. Just kidding, but I'd sure do it all over again in a heartbeat.